Representatives Fillmore and Carter originally introduced HB2289 in the House of Representatives as part of the 55th Legislature in the Second Regular Session of 2022.
As the bill made it’s way through the legislative review process, 31 Republican leaders voted yes on the House Third Reading. They did not endure.
In the Senate, a slim majority of four to three voted in favor as part of the Gov Committee review.
The bill stalled awaiting Karen Fann, Senate Republican Leader, to bring it forward for a vote.
Three Republicans Representative John M. Fillmore (District 16), Representative Walt Blackman (District 6) and Senator Kelly Townsend (District 16) supported HB2289 through it’s process.
Three out of 47 Republicans had the conviction and perseverance to take a stand for you and protect the vote. We don’t agree with them on everything, but on HB2289 we want the same thing. For each legally registered voters voice to count.
What Can You Do?
Ask your Representative and Senator why they didn’t follow through on HB2289 to protect the vote in Arizona.
Remove yourself from the Active Early Voting system so that your ballot can not be filled in by someone else, stolen from a drop-box or mail or duplicated.