2000 Mules Documentary. Everyone should view this documentary to understand how the 2020 fraud was committed.
True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create a bombshell movie that uses footage they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America to steal the election in 2020. 100 Percent Fed Up reports – Using geo-tracking devices, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.
Written and Directed by Debbie & Dinesh D’Souza, Bruce Schooley
Get in on the analysis by Patriot Party of Arizona leadership and answers to your questions on why Arizona’s House and Senate haven’t passed comprehensive #ElectionIntegrity bill #HB2289. Click “Join AzPatriotParty Discussion”.