A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Why would we call out those who are Republican In Name Only (RINOs)?
Because they promise one thing, but don’t deliver. We’re done with candidates who attempt to appear as constitutional conservatives but vote and behave counter to the will of the people of Arizona. It’s important for the public to be informed. The influence of their election shapes the future: Election Integrity. Protecting Children. Leading with Integrity. Upholding the Constitution. Representing their constituents rather than business interests.
People’s lives are busy. Reading the voters pamphlet doesn’t even tell voters the real story. Social media is marketing and candidates don’t want to make a stand on the issues. Elected officials who delay votes or vote contrary to constitutional conservative principles. So we’re calling them out. #RINOtag.
Look for the red RINO signs, it’s a #RINOtag, to let the general public know that they should examine for themselves what candidates say and what they do.
Help us place more signs throughout the great state of Arizona. Let’s educate the public and remind elected officials of their oath of office and that they people are watching.